Arduino Walking Robot Project

Ever wondered you can make Walking robot using Arduino in very simple way? This cute robot walks front and back when some obstacle approaches it changes direction!

This article includes Arduino walking robot code and simple step by step explanation about walking robot mechanism.

  • Here is the actual image of walking robot which we are going to make using Arduino
  • I have given list of all components which were used to make this project in fact this can be known as obstacle avoiding robot
walking robot arduino
walking robot arduino

Walking Robot Mechanism

Micro servo shaft is connect with legs of robot On powering Arduino nano send signals to micro servo

It starts making specific angular movements

Design of legs resemble walking Both servo works at same result as result legs move

On detection of some obstacles using ultrasonic sensor it sends signals to rear servo to stop movements

Until clear path is observe rear servo changes overall walking course of robot

Tip: You may also like our Robotic Arm from Arduino

Supplies required to make walking robot project

Arduino nano with breadboard and HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor

Plastic geared micro servo, Metal geared servos works much better

3D Printer to print body parts If you want 3d printed parts for this project let me know in comments

After gathering all these parts lets start with legs

Buy Components

  1. Get Arduino Nano in INDIA / USA
  2. Micro servo in INDIA / USA
  3. Distance Sensor in INDIA / USA

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Robot leg assembly

3D printed parts are design considering easy to assemble concept Servo horns are connect to 3d printed horn holder

Use screws to connect them together Prepare other leg followed by same instructions

robot legs preparation
walking robot legs

Yellow colored parts shown in visuals are main body which holds all electronics

Micro servo are joint on Micro servo placement slots Screwed to frame to avoid breakdown while working

servo robot building
servo walking robot

Wires are well organize by usage of dedicated slots provided on frame Connect legs to servo shaft

Ultrasonic distance sensor is attach as shown in visuals above this will be completion of electronic hardware placements

Later make Circuit please follow circuit diagram below to make circuit

Arduino servo walking robot circuit diagram

Walking robot arduino circuit diagram
Walking robot Arduino circuit diagram

Circuit is very easy to make simply connect trig and echo pins to A3 and A4 pins, servo signal pins go with D3 and D10 pins of Nano

External power supply will be used to power this project make sure that you are not trying hard to power this USB as it will never work!

Instead of PCB i used pieces of wire to make connections which can be seen in below visuals

Arduino walking robot code

Open Arduino ide and paste this followed by uploading to board if you wish change the pins and servo delay time but if you are beginner to this don’t make any changes in code which later might result in faulty working!

Final steps for robot

final steps of project
final steps of project

As mentioned earlier usage of cut piece wires instead of jumper reduces wire count

I used 9v battery along with switch so that it can be turn on and off whenever necessary

If you are using other parts not mention here weight consideration should be taken into account

As per my calculations i added battery to mid point of frame for balanced and effective working

After battery is in place firm it using zip ties Finally add legs

Test project by switching on keeping in ground later check for obstacle avoidance working keeping hand in front of ultrasonic sensor

I recommend to use rechargeable batteries if you plan to use this project on long run

Video tutorial of Arduino servo walking robot

Watch working video HERE i recommend you to try this as this is one of best Arduino project for beginners



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