Arduino Automatic pet Feeder

Hey Animal lovers you have landed in right place to learn how to make automatic pet feeder using arduino

This was exclusively made as Automatic food dispenser for dogs also this is great start arduino project ideas for beginners

arduino automatic pet feeder
Arduino automatic pet feeder

Working of Automatic pet feeder

Automatic pet feeder using Arduino works as actual pet feeders available in market only difference being price tag here we are making this Arduino project at very reasonable price, lets jump straight into working

Distance sensor detects obstacle

when obstacle is detect arduino sends signals to micro servo Micro servo shows some movements

Mechanism is made from cardboard in such a way that some quantity of food will be release when micro servo moves

Food will be given from dispensing end

Features of Diy automatic pet feeder

Uses Ultrasonic distance sensor which is available at low price

Distance at which food should dispense can be adjust in codes

Dispenses multiple types of food, Portable and safe to use

Uses battery power i used power bank to power this also works as cat food dispenser and dog food dispenser

Materials/supplies required for this arduino project

  • Arduino board works well with nano Buy in INDIA / USA
  • Tube of cardboard to keep all the components
  • Rechargeable battery or power bank
  • Ultrasonic distance sensor Buy in INDIA / USA
  • Micro servo with plastic gears works fine for this project get in INDIA / USA
  • Metal gear servo can be use if you feed food in storage above 500gms
  • Jumper wires get
  • Hot glue or normal glue

Affiliate disclosure: As an amazon affiliate i earn small commission of sales from products which helps me to make more creative projects

NOTE: No extra cost involved for you

After gathering essentials make sure to upload the code before making connections this will make work much simpler, Codes and circuit diagram for this project can be used from toll tax Arduino project or from Arduino piggy bank both of these projects are available at Arduino projects section on this site

Steps after uploading the code and making circuit diagram

Make Spaces for placing electronic components

Take measurements of distance sensor and mark same on cardboard frame

Trim fine holes and Add slot where you want food to dispense

My design went this way!

automatic pet feeder making
automatic pet feeder making

Above image might look weird to some of youy as this is similar to building without furnituires, so its time to add our furnitures

Add sensor and assembled circuit inside this cyclinder

There is one advantage of this type of frame i.e easy flow of food is possible after component placement we shall make main mechanism which drives this entire project

Automatic pet feeder using arduino mechanism

Mechanism is very simple

Servo in rest position blocks passage of food to its outlet

Movements in servo as a result of obstacle detection enables passage of food followed by immediate closing

Servo in rest position
Servo in rest position

Above image shows micro servo in its rest or default position, when it detects any obstacle it sweeps 90 degrees and returs to halt position, image below shows 45 degree after obstacle detection

micro servo sweep
micro servo sweep

Before installing this to main frame connect and test project to check if mechanism is working as designed, because after filling food if it doesn’t work as planned everything needs to be disassemble which is burden task, so please make note of this

Pet dispenser arduino
Pet dispenser arduino

After checks are verified install as shown in image above, please make a note that in above visual i am testing once again hence the shaft is swept to 45 degree else it will be closed

cover inside layers of cardboard with aluminum foil as we are using food which later will be consume by pets hence maintain proper hygiene

How to use arduino automatic pet dispenser

  1. Feed food from top side
  2. Use lid to cover the top
  3. Connect your Arduino to power bank
  4. Teach your pet to come near this dispenser
  5. Works fine when obstacle is 10cm or near
  6. Some amount of food will come out
  7. Gift this to your loving pet
  8. If u have any clarifications related mechanism please make sure to check video given below

Video tutorial

Check this video to see working of this amazing arduino project idea

Hope everything was clear if you want automatic pet feeder using arduino pdf let me know in comments as many might be looking for pet feeder arduino thesis, Thank you show your support by sharing across this idea.



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