How To Make LiFi

Hello readers In this tutorial I will show how to make lifi from small experiment setup which that show light can be used to transfer control/communication signals from one place to another wirelessly.
If you are looking for awesome project idea for upcoming science fair projects or weekend science experiments you can make this demonstrative experiment
Here I am going to explain you the process in very detailed steps on how to make mini Li-Fi System, so that even if you are a beginner to basics of electronics you can build this without any difficulties.
NOTE: i have provided video at the end!

What is Li-Fi?
Li-fi Stands for Light fidelity ,we all know that Wi-Fi which we use on regular basis uses radio frequency to transmit and receive signals where as new technology.
Li-Fi uses Light (speed of light is nearly 300000 kilometer per second) which clearly means that it is several times faster than Wi-Fi and under full development of this technology
In future we can expect internet speeds to be several hundred times faster compared to present date (Theoretically it is 10 gigabits per second).
Let’s Build lifi at home
To build this project less expensive materials are used, It’s a quick build project
Which means you can finish this entire experimental setup within an hour.

Materials/supplies to make lifi
Solar panel From Here
Aux cable, Battery and resistor
Aux supported MP3 player and LED bulb
Smartphone or any other music playing device with 3.5mm jack output.
let’s start by cutting of the AUX cable into two parts Here first part is connected directly to solar panel
Recommend to use 6 volt,150 milliamps solar panel as it gives best results.
Note: Recommended not to use solar panels rated larger than 5 volt as exposing solar panel to sunlight may burn circuit of audio playing device.
Steps as per image number(1-4)
Cut cable into two pieces using scissors(exact half)
The copper inside aux is enameled means thin layer of insulation paint had been added
There are 2 ways for insulation paint removal from surface of wire
First is using wire stripper and second will be burning layer of insulated paint using lighter.
The wire which has 3 colors blue, red and gold, Each color serves specific purpose and its given below.
Color | Pin |
Blue | Signal |
Red | positive |
Gold | Ground |
Note: Positive and negative terminals should always be separate and never to be connected.

where as the remaining(i.e second part of aux) will be connected to battery and resistor(10kilo ohm) resistor and a 9 volt battery
Please follow (image 4-10)
Steps as per images
Connect wires to battery or you can directly use battery connector also Add resistor in between positive wire side and LED bulb positive side
I am using resistor
Since I am using 9 volt battery while LED requires only 1.5 to 2 volt power supply, test if your LED bulb works

Alternatively you can use USB power supply instead of battery if you’re planning to use it for continuous long hours.

circuit diagram to make lifi project
if you have any clarifications related to wiring
Once all the circuit is complete please follow these important steps to get the Li-Fi project working.
Connect the aux cable which is connected to your solar panel to your smartphone Or any other MP3 playing device( This is transmitter part in our project)
Other piece of aux cable which was connected to the battery along with resistor and LED will go to your MP3 player
Make sure it is connected to battery by checking glowing of led bulb after this is done
Start playing favorite music in your smartphone/MP3 player, now when you do it please ensure your led is directed towards your solar panel if everything is setup fine your MP3 player will start to play some music
whenever you bring any obstacle in between the LED light and solar panel the music will stop playing hence it is proved that light can be used as the transmission medium for communicating data signal
Note: while you are making mini li-fi system, Please make sure there is no any other light source surrounding/directing towards solar panel
If you have other light source directing towards your solar panel you might start to observe some interference in form of noise
can be heard with music in output MP3 speaker (this is receiver part of our project)
For every invention made there will always be advantages and disadvantages
Let’s discuss about positive things first
One Main advantages of using Li-Fi is that it has unmatchable speed compared to conventional Wi-Fi which uses radio signals
Radio signal used in Wi-Fi is harmful for humans since we use light in the process
Radio waves are eliminated in Li-Fi systems so the usage of Li-Fi is very much safe compared to Wi-Fi
how to make lifi is one of best projects to try
Bandwidth is 10000 times that of radio waves
The highest recorded speed using Wi-Fi is 1300 megabits per second
Li-Fi speed goes upto 10 gigabytes Per second note this is a theoretical value on experimental basis
Light has been a part of human life from the very beginning
it is clear that light doesn’t cause any harmful ill effects to the human health as compared to other signals
It can be used only for shorter range it means upto where the light is in contact with the receiver source
Natural light for example sun light can interference in the process
The cost of initial setup may go very high as per status of current research(based on materials suitable for transmitting and receiving)
To use a Li-Fi in mobile communication there should be a Li-Fi enabled light source nearby(Technically called Hotspots)
For instance you are travelling in a bus, but want to use internet connection and there is no any source nearby we will be left out with no internet
Can be used in internet to browse and download movies
Can be used in underwater communication where there is difficulty in propagation of radio signals
VIDEO on how to make lifi
Check here for Video tutorial which shows how to make lifi
I Hope all the steps are clear to make mini li-fi system , if you have any suggestions for improvements related to this project your suggestions are always welcome.
Please put your queries in comment box, Thank you for your time and patience for showing interest on this article. Have a Good Day