New Science fair ideas
Hey Students/ Teachers are you struggling for science fair topics or science fair project ideas ? You are in right place to get some top science fair project 4th grade and above
Below are list of 10 science fair ideas for upcoming science fair, For all these projects simple explanation are given more details can be found on google as well as on YouTube, Other mind-blowing engineering projects tutorials can be found on this site make sure to check it out
As per small case study these is ideal science project ideas grade 7 as well as science fair project for 8th grade you can definitely get award if you try this!
List of new science fair project ideas
Small volcano for science project
Very easy to make science project made by filling empty plastic bottle with 1/2th of bottle with vinegar
later adding spoon of baking soda well this gives white volcano which never occurs in real life
Make it look more like lava by adding some red food coloring
Finish the project by making it more realistic volcanic mountains using tissues followed by painting
Make small electromagnet
Materials used for this project are one steel nail, 9v battery and few inches of insulated copper wire
Wind nail with insulated copper wire with 20 to 30 turns
Remove ends of wire which is coated Connect ends of copper wires to 9v battery
Steel nail now is an electromagnet, check it out by keeping iron particles around it
Balloon car science fair project idea
With few pieces of cardboard and old plastic bottle caps make easily movable car frame
Straws will help you in making wheel axles
To make moving mechanism just blow the balloon and close its ends with help of cloth pins Keep it on backside of car
Place in such a way that balloon air releasing end is facing opp to movement of car
Remove cloth pins and watch your air powered car move
Windmill for science fair project
One of evergreen topic for science fair
Materials used are small toy dc motor, led, battery and few pieces of cardboard, Make propellers for windmill and attach it to dc motor shaft
Place it on top of cardboard frame Connect dc motor to battery and led bypassing switch. Switch on and see working of your windmill
Electricity Generator project
Needed supplies are 2 DC Motors, battery, switch and LED
Recycled motor from old RC car or other toys works fine Connect one DC motor to LED
Shaft of Motor will be connected to other motor shaft using coupler recycled from pen
Place everything on piece of cardboard and hot glue to keep everything in place Connect vacant end of motor terminals with switch and battery
when u switch on motor shaft of other motor rotated hence electricity will be generated which can be seen by glowing LED
This works on electromagnetism principle
Solar car project idea
Supplies required are 150ma 6v solar panel, DVD motor, 3 wheels and triangular cardboard frame
Connect wheel to shaft of dc motor then Fix wheels on base side of triangle
Tip of triangle to body of motor and Connect small solar panel to motor
Take it to sun bath! you can Enjoy your solar car travel
Hand powered battery less torch
LED bulbs up-to 10 can be light up you Need 775 DC motor or DVD motor and LED
775 DC Motor works best for this project as it generates good output voltage on shaft rotation
Make frame for torch using old recycled water bottle which fits motor start by Soldering LED to motor
Shaft of motor to bottle cap to which small stick is attached that resembles crank shaft mechanism
Rotate dc motor shaft and see the bulb glow here Note that faster rotation generated up to 12v hence slow rotation is preferred
Automatic pencil sharpener
Tired of sharpening pencils by hand this project carries solution for that problem
You need BO motor or any other low rpm gear motor I used 150rpm gear motor
Attach pencil sharpener to shaft of geared motor
Connect to battery via switch Switch on and sharp some pencils
Definitely you will enjoy the process
Small handheld Fan project
scavenge toy dc motor from toys
stick motor to back side of battery
Use switch as interface between motor and battery
Attach readily available propeller or DIY
Power your device and let some air flow
Lemon battery science fair project
Oldest yet meaningful science project which teach lots of scientific principles
Here to glow an led number of lemons required is high since lemons are costly we will demonstrate with single lemon
Insert strips of zinc and aluminum inside lemon
Connect multi meter to these strips and measure voltage
Hope you loved these ideas, share this ideas with people who are looking for project ideas. Also make sure to check my older posts.